How to Make God in Little Alchemy 2 - Alchemy Help

How to Make God in Little Alchemy 2 - Alchemy Help

Making The God Element

In Little Alchemy 2, you have to combine several elements to create a god. Even though God's creation is no easy task, it is possible with the right element combinations. Creating God is neither very difficult nor very easy. To make God we will need 2 elements. The first element is human and the second element is immortality. Here, we'll go into more detail on how to make a god in Little Alchemy 2. 

How to Make God in Little Alchemy 2

Best combination to make God/Deity in little alchemy 2

Add Element Result
Human + Immortality God/Deity

How to Make God in Little Alchemy 2

Follow the steps below to create God in the game from scratch.

First of all, we have to create Human to make god/deity.

Combine Element
1.Water + Earth Mud
2.Air + Air Pressure
3.Earth + Pressure Stone
4.Mud + Stone Clay
5.Water + Water Pubble
6.Puddle + Puddle Pond
7.Pond + Pond Lake
8.Lake + Lake Sea
9.Earth + Sea Primordial Soup
10.Fire + Fire Energy
11.Primordial Soup + Energy Life
12.Clay + Life Human
13.Human + Immortality GOD/DEITY

At last, Combine Human and IMMORTALITY (by purchasing Myths and Monsters Pack).

Congratulations, you have successfully created a cow in Little Alchemy 2!.

Detailed Steps To Create God/Deity

  • Step1 - Start with the Basic Elements, Water and Earth.
  • Step2 - Combine Water and Earth to get Mud Element.
  • Step3 - Create Pressure combining Air and Air. Then, create Stone using Earth and Pressure.
  • Step4 - Create Clay using Mud Element and Stone Element.
    • Step5 - Now, Create Primordial Soup by following Point 5 to Point 9 shown in Table 1.1
    • Step6 - Make Energy using Fire and Fire. After that, combine Energy with Primordial Soup Element to create Life.
    • Step7 - Merging Clay and Life will create Human.
    • Step8 - When you have created Human, combine it with Immortality (Myths and Monster Pack Element). Congrats, you have created new element - GOD or DEITY.

    About Immortality

    Immortality is the very initial element of the Myths & Monsters pack. There is only one way players can only obtain immortality as an elemental that is by purchasing myths and monster content packs within the game. This pack unlocks a numbers of legendary elements, including immortality, and we know immortality cannot be obtained by regular gameplay. Therefore, if you want to get immortality in Little Alchemy 2, you will have to buy the Myths and Monsters Content Pack.

    About Human

    One of the most interesting and powerful elements in The Little Alchemy 2 is the human element. The human element can be used to create many different elements in Little Alchemy 2. For example, you can create a warrior by combining human with fire, or you can create a doctor by combining human with water and more. Since, humans are unique in their ability to think, feel, and to create. They are also very much capable of great love and understanding.

    The God/Deity Element in Little Alchemy 2

    Deity is a special as well as powerful element in Little Alchemy 2 since it can only be created by combining two different elements. The first element you need is Human and second you need is Immortality. If you've already discovered the human element, that's great. If you don't have human then no need to worry, first we will make human. To create Human just combine Earth and Water. And for Immortality, you need to combine Philosopher Stone and Human. Once you have both Human and Immortality element, you will make god/deity in seconds.

    Combinations Use Deity

    Here are some other special elements you can create by combining God or Deity with other elements.
    It can be used to create many other special elements (Mentioned in Below Table).


    Tips for Making God in Little Alchemy 2

    Here are some tips and tricks that will help you creating a god/deity in Little Alchemy 2.

    1. Just make sure you are having all the necessary elements before you start. The elements you need is Human and Immortality.
    2. Do Experiment with different elements. This can create some more interesting elements that you may not have thought of.
    Also Try To Make StoryGoldSound


    • How do you make Deity/God in Little Alchemy 2?

    Making Deity in Little Alchemy 2 is an exciting and challenging task. In the game Little Alchemy 2, a God is a element that can be created by combining Human element with Immortality element. To create the Human element, you need to combine basic elements, Earth and Water.

    • How many elements are in Little Alchemy 2?

    There are around 700 elements in Little Alchemy 2. Keep experimenting to discover them all!.

    • Can I make God in Little Alchemy 1?

    No, God is only available in Little Alchemy 2.


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