How to Make Gold in Little Alchemy 2 | Alchemy Help

How to Make Gold in Little Alchemy 2 - Alchemy Help

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to make gold in Little Alchemy 2. If you're a fan of this popular game, you'll know that making gold is one of the most important and challenging tasks. But don't worry, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll share some tips and tricks to create gold in Little Alchemy 2.

How to Make Gold in Little Alchemy 2

Best Combinations to Make Gold in Little Alchemy 2

Making gold in Little Alchemy 2 is no easy task, but it's not impossible either. Here are some of the best ways to create this precious metal.

Combine Result
Metal + Sun GOLD
Steel + Sun GOLD
Metal/Steel + Rainbow GOLD
Metal/Steel + Butter GOLD
Metal/Steel + Sand GOLD
Metal/Steel + Light GOLD
Metal + Philosopher's Stone GOLD
Steel + Philosopher's Stone GOLD
  • Combination of philosopher's stone and metal/steel - Myth and Monster Pack

How to Make Gold in Little Alchemy 2 -  Step by Step from Scratch

Easiest Walkthrough to Create GOLD

Combine Element
Air + Air Pressure
Pressure + Earth Stone
Stone + Fire Metal
Stone + Air Sand
Metal + Sand GOLD

Tips and Tricks for Making Gold in Little Alchemy 2

Making gold is just one of the many challenges you'll face in Little Alchemy 2. Here are some other tips and tricks to help you succeed.

  1. Experiment with different element combinations
  2. Use hints when stuck
  3. Keep track of progress and discovered elements


Making gold in Little Alchemy 2 is a challenging but rewarding task. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you'll be well on your way to creating this precious metal and progressing through the game. We hope you found this guide helpful, and we wish you the best of luck in your Little Alchemy 2 adventures.


How do we make life in Little Alchemy 2?

To make life, you need to combine several elements such as energy and primordial soup.

How can I make gold in Little Alchemy 2?

To make gold in Little Alchemy 2, you need to combine two different elements. Start by combining fire and air create energy. Combine "energy" with "earth" to create "plasma," and combine "plasma" with "stone" to create "metal." Finally, combine "metal" with "philosopher's stone" to produce "gold."

Where can I find the philosopher's stone in Little Alchemy 2?

The philosopher's stone is a hidden element in Little Alchemy 2. To unlock it, you need to combine four specific elements. Combine "human" and "stone" to create "tool," and then combine "tool" with "philosopher" to create "philosopher's stone."

How do I create a human in Little Alchemy 2?

To create a human, you need to combine "life" and "clay." Combine "stone" and "fire" to create "metal," and then combine "metal" with "human" to create "tools." Finally, combine "tools" with "life" to create a "human."

Can I make gold without the philosopher's stone in Little Alchemy 2?

No, the philosopher's stone is necessary for creating gold in Little Alchemy 2. It is an essential element in the combination process.

What are some other interesting combinations in Little Alchemy 2?

Little Alchemy 2 offers hundreds of combinations to discover. Here are a few examples: combining "water" and "air" creates "rain," combining "fire" and "fire" creates "energy," combining "earth" and "rain" creates "plant," and combining "air" and "fire" creates "smoke." Experimentation is key to uncovering all the combinations in the game.

Can I play Little Alchemy 2 on my mobile device?

Yes, Little Alchemy 2 is available as a mobile app on both iOS and Android platforms. You can download it from the respective app stores and enjoy the game on your mobile device.

Are there any hints or tips for playing Little Alchemy 2?

If you're stuck, you can use the hint system in Little Alchemy 2. Click on the light bulb icon at the top right corner of the screen to get a clue about a possible combination. Additionally, try combining elements you've already created with new ones to discover even more combinations.

Is Little Alchemy 2 kid friendly?

Yes, Little Alchemy 2 is considered to be kid-friendly. It's easy to understand and play, and it lets you be creative and solve puzzles by combining different things. There's nothing inappropriate in the game, so it's safe for kids. Parents can still help and guide their kids while playing.

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